JERNEJ KOSI received his PhD in history in 2012 at University of Ljubljana, where he is currently a University Assistant and Researcher. In 2016 and 2017, he was a member of the FWF-project “Postcarding Lower Styria: Nation, Languages and Identities on Pictures Postcards (1885–1920)” at the University of Graz. His main field of interest is the history of Slovene nationalism.
His monograph on this topic, published in Slovene, is How Was the Slovene Nation Created: A History of the Slovene National Movement in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century (Ljubljana, 2013). Since 2017, he is also involved in the ARRS-project “Refugees—A Never-ending Story,” focusing on individual experiences of displaced civilians from the Austrian Littoral in World War I and postwar years.